3 things you need to know about Dynamic Content Layouts

Opublikowane: 2022-09-03

Dynamic content layouts is yet another functionality that enables personalization in the e-commerce. This time however, the individual approach can be seen in the seemingly most static area, i.e. the page layout. See how it works and why it’s worth it.

1. What is Dynamic Content Layouts?

Dynamic Content Layouts is a layout personalization tool for your website. It allows you to change the structure of the home page or category page, depending on the user’s preferences and behavior.

As such, it analyzes what sites the customer has visited previously, his or her presence or absence on the site, the content of the abandoned basket or the type of products viewed. In practice, this means that the page layout will be different depending on who is looking at it.

For example, if you are running a news site, dynamic content layout will make it more appealing and relevant to potential visitors by changing the order of information displayed. Showcasing different information at the top of the page, depending on the interests of the viewer.

Top news story, highlighted on the home page, will be different for someone interested in business information vs. someone looking for the political updates

2. How can you use it in e-commerce?

Guess what? There are as many options for personalizing your home page and category pages, as there are number of your customers! Based on the customers’ preferences and behavior.

For instance, if your visitor has not yet seen a new collection – highlight this information. But if you are dealing with a regular customer – you might want to show them some new styling ideas, as they have already seen the new arrivals.  

You can display different recommendations to someone who looks for products with the highest rating vs. someone who usually filters by the lowest price. You can show other products to someone who was looking for products in the T-shirt category, and others to someone who typed “white t-shirt” in the search engine.

3. How can it boost your sales?

First of all – if you show your customer the right product straight away, you immediately increase the chances that he or she will purchases the item. Without the long and tiresome search, the customer is automatically one step closer to a check-out.

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Secondly, each subsequent personalization option increases the quality of customer experience. And as you know, high quality customer experience directly translates into profits. It is one of the best investments you can make.

Thirdly, you increase customer engagement. Website changing dynamically encourages more frequent visits, because it looks slightly different each time. And the more frequent the visits, the greater the chance to buy.

Try it, test it, use it

Dynamic content layout allows you to showcase just the right products on your hompage. However, as with any other functionality, it is crucial to properly match the solution parameters to the individual needs and sales goals of each e-commerce. But by implementing it, you get yet another chance to increase your sales and engagement rates and overall quality of the customer experience.